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Capital Protected Product of the month

  • Annual coupons total 21% (USD) and 20% (GBP)
  • Linked to performance of four bank stocks: Santander, HSBC, Lloyds and Societe Generale
  • Quarterly coupons (5.25%/5.00%) payable when all four stock indices are on or above 95% of their start levels
  • Coupons have a memory feature, max. return +105% USD / +100% GBP
  • Currency Hedging for Euro Investors
  • Term 6 months – 5 years, Auto-Callable quarterly after 6th month
  • Capital protection 100% if none of underlying stock prices has fallen more than -50% at the maturity
  • Issuer bank rating A3 (Moody’s)
  • No subscription fees
  • DAILY LIQUIDITY, subscriptions through Portfolio Bond Insurances or online trading platforms


Capital Protected Product of the month

  • Annual coupons total 18% (USD) and 17% (GBP)
  • Linked to performance of four tech company stocks: Amazon, AMD, Apple, Tesla
  • Quarterly coupons (4.50%/4.25%) payable when all four stock prices are on or above 50% of their start levels; high probability of coupon payments from 1st quarterly observation date
  • Coupons have a memory feature, max. return +72% USD / +68% GBP
  • Currency Hedging for Euro Investors
  • Term 6 months – 4 years, Auto-Callable quarterly after 6th month
  • Capital protection 100% if none of underlying stock prices has fallen more than -50% at the maturity
  • Issuer bank rating A3 (Moody’s)
  • No subscription fees
  • DAILY LIQUIDITY, subscriptions through Portfolio Bond Insurances or online trading platforms


Intus Brokers is specialized in Life Insurances with various Fixed Income products as the underlying investments. We are independent from Insurance and Investment Companies. We represent you as our client towards the chosen Insurance and Investment service providers. This means that our recommendations are being made in your best interest. You will always receive from us a detailed recommendation for the best products available for your needs, with a transparent fee breakdown.

Fixed Term Deposit Accounts

If you are looking for a Fixed Term Deposit Account with higher interest rates have a look to the offering of our affiliate Group company Intus Savings and Loan Association.